Wellness Doula


Wellness Doula

from $30.00

In August of 2019, I began to have the worst stomach pain of my life- daily. Nothing seemed to help but the hospital didn’t seem like the right option for me. I knew that they would either offer me medicine that I wasn’t okay with taking, give me fluids and send me home. I sought prayer, I read my essential oil books, I cut out all the foods my nutritionist told me to, we switched my supplements, etc. Nothing seemed to help.

The part that was hardest for me was there were so many ways I knew how to help myself, if only I was “well” enough to do those things. I was in a catch-22. What I really needed was a companion, a helper. I felt alone.

When my nutritionist suggested the Autoimmune Protocol Diet, symptoms immediately stopped. A long list of emotions and restrictions began. The healing journey had just begun. I’m 2 years into it, more healed than ever and I am constantly learning more and more to deepen my healing. I have a team of health professionals that I trust. People I wouldn’t have been able to do this without, but most days I still just wish for that companion to support and see me. To help me not do this alone, to serve me when I don’t feel well enough to do it myself or just need the extra encouragement.

I looked up the definition of the word “doula”, thinking it was just for pregnancy- it means “a woman who serves”. Yes. That is what I want to be. With over 4 years of continuing education in natural health, essential oils, personal healing experiences, partnering with my nutritionist to heal Hashimoto’s Hypothyroid, Celiac and more naturally, Holy Yoga and Healing Touch Instructor Certification, I want to come alongside children, mothers, women and serve them. To sit with them, listen, walk with them, support, pray, offer information, insight, you name it.

If you or your child struggle with autoimmune disease, hormonal health issues, lyme disease, stomach issues or just want to start prioritizing your wellness and nutrition and want a companion- this service is for you. I would be honored to walk alongside of you in this sacred journey.

Schedule a complementary planning/vision session to outline goals & expectations- we will craft the perfect partnership that serves you best.

Choose from an “as needed hourly service” or hire me as your “personal wellness doula” invoiced monthly with discounts included.


  • Creator/Holder of Space

  • Listening/Companionship/Prayer Sessions

  • On Call/Hospital Visits/Delivery/Shuttle/etc

  • Encouraging Texts/Resources/Music Playlists

  • Add ons like discounted private holy yoga & raindrop sessions

Photo: Charuk Studios

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Luke 8:55

Wellness Doula

Value: $120/month


  • House visits/meet ups (4) 1 hr (30/hr after first hour)

  • Playlists 

  • Encouraging texts, Resources, Recipes, etc

  • Discounted Optional Add ons:

  • On call/hospital visits/rides/deliveries etc ($30 minimum/hour)